Unpaid Leave Policy

(a) If for any reason you have insufficient leave for any requested period of absence, or do not have an entitlement to paid leave, you should discuss the possibility of taking unpaid leave with your manager.
(b) Where the Company has directed you to take leave and you have no paid leave left, you may also be required to take unpaid leave.


(a) There is no obligation for the Company to agree to your request for unpaid leave as the needs of the Company and fairness to other employees will also need to be considered, in addition to your own circumstances.
(b) We will strive to approve requests for unpaid leave where this is reasonable, fair for all employees and compatible with operational requirements.
(c) Under no circumstances should you fail to attend work or take leave without prior authorisation.
(d) The Company may also discuss other options that may be available to you in addition to unpaid leave, such as taking leave in advance or flexible working arrangements.
(e) If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your manager.

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