Compassionate Leave Policy


Compassionate leave is provided to employees in accordance with the National Employment Standards and any applicable modern award or enterprise agreement.


Permanent and casual employees are entitled to 2 days of compassionate leave for each occasion when an Immediate Family Member or Household Member:

  • Contracts or develops a personal injury that poses a serious threat to their life;
  • Sustains a personal injury that poses a serious threat to their life;
  • Dies

Compassionate leave may be taken in two consecutive days, two non-consecutive days or any other separate periods to which we agree.

An immediate family member is a:

  • Spouse or former spouse;
  • De facto partner or former de facto partner;
  • Child or grandchild;
  • Parent or grandparent;
  • Sibling;
  • Child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee’s spouse or de facto partner, or former spouse or de facto partner.

The definition of an immediate family member includes step-relations, such as step-parents and step-children and adoptive relations.

A household member is any person who lives with the employee. This may allow an employee to take compassionate leave for other relatives who don’t fall under the definition of immediate family, such as a cousin or aunt if they are a member of the employee’s household.


For permanent employees, compassionate leave pay is paid leave processed as part of the Company’s normal payroll cycle, so you will continue to receive your pay as usual while you are on compassionate leave.

Compassionate leave for casual employees is unpaid.


We understand that you may need to take compassionate leave at short notice.

We therefore require all employees to notify their manager by phone as soon as possible of their intention to take compassionate leave. When you notify your manager, you must advise of the period (or the expected period) for which you will be taking compassionate leave and provide any evidence we ask you to support your request for leave.

You are required to submit a written application for compassionate leave as soon as possible after you return from leave.

If you have any questions about this policy, please get in touch with HR.

This policy is effective from 5th April 2024.

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