Fight Spam

Our Commitment to Fighting Spam

Welcome to Rubix Studios, you’ve likely arrived here as a result of spam mail received. Our commitment to the public includes protecting and removing bad actors in alignment with our services. The domain you have visited has been removed. If you would like more information, feel free to contact us. It is crucial to emphasise that our domain removal services, designed explicitly for combating spam, undergo rigorous monitoring before any actions are executed.

Fight Against Spam Act Australia - Fight Spam

The Spam Act prohibits sending commercial electronic messages via email, SMS, multimedia message service or instant messaging without the receiver’s consent. Accordingly, it establishes an opt-in regime different from the provisions governing the use of information for direct marketing in the Privacy Act.

Should you wish to report any instances of abuse within our network, please feel free to email us. We will promptly address and handle the matter appropriately.

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